Spirit Guides are our most powerful guides and mentors and are present in everyone’s lives. You may not recognize their presence or feel them, but know that you have your own angels and guides by your side waiting to offer support and guidance whenever you are open to their assistance. Their assistance can come in many different forms. In order to help you, their energy may not even be focused directly on you. They may need to focus their energies on someone near you who can assist you in reaching your place of self-realization and initiation.
The key to identifying and connecting to your Spirit Guides is to ask – guides won’t reach out to help unless we request their help; they don’t volunteer. So, you’ll want to ask every morning and every night – it only takes a moment. Be patient as you practice connecting with them and I guarantee you that your Spirit Guides will soon be always at your side.
Whatever your purpose and gifts are, connecting with your Spirit Guides will help you do it. They are part of your soul team and can help guide you along the way and make sure you stay on track and get everything you need. If you are serious about your spiritual development and want to make this world a better place but don’t know how to consciously communicate with your Spirit Guides yet, this is your chance. Your guides are your spiritual GPS and essential to take the next step, whatever that is for you. Without them, it will be much harder for you to follow the path your soul has set out for you before you reincarnated here on Earth.
From the moment you are born until the day your spirit leaves the physical body, your Spirit Guides are with you, bringing clarity, purpose and direction. Understand that you are never truly alone. Your Spirit Guides are your own personal spiritual helpers and can aid you in your spiritual growth. You have guides that can aid you on your path to happiness, health, and wisdom. If you but open the door, spirit is there to guide you.
Spirit Guides are incorporeal beings that are assigned to us before we are born that help nudge and guide us through life. They’re responsible for helping us fulfil the spiritual contract we make with ourselves before we incarnate. Your higher self helps select these guides, who help us while we are living out our incarnation.
No matter how challenging your life feels, you are never truly alone. We all have a team of heavenly beings, who are here to support and guide us on this earthly journey. Your Spirit Guides are highly evolved beings who have been specifically chosen to support you in navigating all aspects of your life. They are always there, working behind the scenes on your behalf. Connecting with my own spiritual support team, completely changed the way I experience my life. Their love, guidance and support has sustained me through challenging times, and has inspired me to learn, create and be of service to others.
Learn to use your guides. Ask not only for their help, but for greater insight. Ask for better tools for handling the challenges that arise, and they will, one way or another, come to you. Some people, for instance, report going to a bookstore and being hit on the head by a book, that is later significant for them, falling off the shelf. Your guides do have a sense of humour! Such experiences help make it obvious that you are guided and assisted. Your game-your life task-is what you signed up for. Some people are a little hasty in planning their lives, but you probably had good help with yours and did not take on more than you can handle. Sometimes things take an unexpected turn and it is wise to retreat. In general, however, unless you have gone out of your way to make a lot of negative karma for yourself, your life is about right for you in terms of your capabilities.
If it seems too hard, maybe you are trying to do it all alone. It is not wrong to ask for help if you are sincerely doing all you can do. The support of others does not replace your own efforts. It supplements them. It is not “do it for me” but “do it with me.” Some people cannot accept help from others, even from their guides, because of low self-esteem. They think they do not deserve it. They think they if they receive help, they are taking help away from others: “No, I’ll struggle along all by myself here. You go help someone else who really needs it. I’m all right,” they may say, as they collapse on the ground! Can you imagine what team sports would be like if everyone took this attitude? “No, I will get the football over all by myself. Yes, I know that twelve people are about to tackle me, but that is all right. I will try to do it myself.” The game of life is a team sport.
Mostly, we have emphasized the individual’s game. There are collective games as well. Everyone on earth is part of a collective game agreed upon by all, and there are intermediate games as well. Your game is part of these larger games. If you think that you cannot play the larger game because you are too busy with your own, you do not understand the game. When you truly play your own game, you are playing the larger game. You cannot help it. What is appropriate for you is appropriate for the whole. Perhaps you are unclear about what is appropriate for you, but some part of you knows. If you ask, your guides will help you see it. Your guides are usually old friends. They are not there to make your decisions for you. They will tell you what they think, sometimes loudly, sometimes not. Accept their advice graciously. Often, they know things you cannot know, but do not assume that they are always right; they are not, and if you automatically follow the advice of others, you will not develop your choice-making skills. Work with them and with everyone else on your team. Play your part on the teams of others in whatever way feels right for you. We are all both teachers and students to one another because we are all ultimately one. There is great similarity between life lessons from person to person, yet every situation is unique. This provides the perfect opportunity to hone your skills in playing the game of life.