The Nusta Karpay rites are a gift from the Pleiadians, transmitted through the high Andean mountains to the people. Seven is a profoundly sacred number, representing the colours of the rainbow and acting as a bridge between the upper, middle, and lower worlds – a concept many of you will recognize from previous shamanic journeying courses. These rites will expand and deepen your connection to these realms, enhancing your ability to journey and work with these sacred energies.
Inca tradition honours the number seven, as reflected in the seven-striped rainbow flag, which symbolizes the sacred territories of the Inca people in Peru and Ecuador. This flag is a powerful symbol of the sacredness of the divine feminine energy, which is at the heart of the Nusta Karpay rites.
As you step into this teacher training, it’s important to understand that the Nustas are seeds of light. While you will receive the rites, it is up to you to grow them within yourself through consistent practice and dedication. These rites have the power to heal the wounded ego, bringing peace and harmony into your life and the lives of those around you. By embracing these energies, you will be equipped not only to heal yourself but also to help raise the vibrations of others and support the healing of Pachamama, our Divine Mother Earth.
Throughout this course, you will be given the tools and knowledge to teach these rites to others, helping them to step into their own healing and spiritual awakening. Each rite is connected to a specific chakra and goddess energy, and you will work with sacred items like stones, flowers, feathers, and candles to deepen your connection to these energies. Your role as a teacher will be to hold space for others to receive these rites with an open heart and guide them through their own healing process.
As you embark on this journey, remember that while I will provide you with the background information and facilitate your initiation into the rites, it is your dedication, practice, and commitment to doing the deep spiritual work that will bring about true transformation.
I am honoured to walk this path with you, and I look forward to witnessing your growth as you become a facilitator of these sacred, life-changing rites. May the Nusta Karpay Rites empower you to bring peace, healing, and divine light into the world.
Who are the Nusta Karpay?
The Nusta Karpay are sacred feminine archetypes that form a powerful part of Andean shamanic traditions. These divine goddesses, also referred to as the “Nustas,” hold a deep connection to the Earth, the cosmos, and the spiritual realms. Their energies have been passed down through generations by the indigenous peoples of the Andes, and through the ancient practice of the Nusta Karpay rites, these sacred energies are accessible to those who are called to work with them. The Nusta Karpay rites serve as a profound path for healing, spiritual growth, and transformation, not only for individuals but for communities and the planet itself.
The word “Karpay” means “initiation” in Quechua, the ancient language of the Andean people. Thus, the Nusta Karpay refers to the process of initiation through the seven divine Nustas. Each Nusta corresponds to specific energies, elements, and aspects of life that, when understood and integrated, lead to healing and balance. The Nustas are not merely figures from myth or folklore; they represent living energies that are accessible to those who are open to receiving their wisdom.
The Seven Nustas of the Nusta Karpay
In the practice of the Nusta Karpay, there are seven Nustas or goddesses. These seven sacred energies are each connected to a specific chakra, a particular element, and an archetypal force. They are as follows:
Mama Ocllo (Base Chakra)
Mama Ocllo is the first Nusta, associated with the base chakra, the root of the energy body. As the goddess of foundation and stability, she helps individuals connect with the Earth and their sense of belonging. She teaches grounding, security, and trust in the abundance of life. Mama Ocllo’s energy invites one to work through any fears or insecurities, helping the initiate feel at home in their body and in the world.
Dona Mujia (Sacral Chakra)
Dona Mujia governs the sacral chakra, which is associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being. She is a goddess of fluidity, fertility, and the nurturing of new life. Dona Mujia encourages individuals to embrace their creative power, allowing for the flow of emotions and the expression of one’s true self. She also works to heal issues of guilt and shame related to creativity and sexuality.
Mama Simone (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Mama Simone, the goddess of personal power, is associated with the solar plexus chakra. She governs the realm of self-esteem, confidence, and willpower. Working with Mama Simone helps individuals overcome feelings of powerlessness, reclaim their personal strength, and align with their higher purpose. She teaches the importance of confidence and balance in one’s ability to manifest desires and create positive change.
Dona Teresa (Heart Chakra)
Dona Teresa is the Nusta of the heart chakra, the center of love, compassion, and emotional healing. Her energy helps individuals open their hearts, release past hurts, and cultivate unconditional love for themselves and others. She encourages the nurturing of empathy, kindness, and the ability to forgive. Working with Dona Teresa restores balance in relationships and strengthens one’s connection to both their inner self and to others.
Mama Sakapana (Throat Chakra)
Mama Sakapana is the goddess of communication, associated with the throat chakra. She helps individuals find their voice, speak their truth, and express themselves with clarity and integrity. Her energy is one of empowerment through honest communication, and she assists in healing the wounds caused by suppressed speech or unspoken words. She also teaches the importance of listening and being heard.
Huana Huamen Tiklla (Third Eye Chakra)
Huana Huamen Tiklla is the goddess connected to the third eye chakra, the center of intuition, perception, and inner wisdom. She facilitates the opening of one’s psychic abilities and intuitive gifts, allowing for a deeper connection to the unseen world. Through her energy, individuals can expand their awareness, gain clarity on their life path, and receive guidance from their higher self and spiritual guides.
Tomasa Huamen Tiklla (Crown Chakra)
The final Nusta, Tomasa Huamen Tiklla, corresponds to the crown chakra, the seat of divine connection and spiritual enlightenment. She represents the highest aspect of consciousness, helping individuals align with their divine purpose and connection to Source energy. Tomasa Huamen Tiklla’s energy supports spiritual awakening and the deepening of one’s connection to the cosmos, guiding individuals towards ultimate peace and enlightenment.
The Role of the Nusta Karpay in Spiritual Awakening
The Nusta Karpay rites serve as a doorway to deeper spiritual awakening and understanding. These rites were originally gifted to the Andean people by the Pleiadians, an advanced race of star beings. The Pleiadians, known for their higher spiritual consciousness and wisdom, transmitted these teachings to help humanity heal, grow, and align with the greater cosmic order.
In the Andean worldview, the divine feminine plays a central role in creation. The Nustas embody this divine feminine energy, representing the nurturing, transformative, and creative forces of the universe. By receiving the Nusta Karpay rites, individuals are invited to connect with the energies of the Earth (Pachamama), the cosmos, and the divine feminine. This connection leads to profound healing of the wounded ego, releasing old patterns of fear, shame, and doubt, and allowing individuals to step into their true power.
These rites also serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Through the practice of the Nusta Karpay, initiates are able to journey through the upper, middle, and lower worlds – concepts that are familiar to those who practice shamanic journeying. The upper world is associated with divine wisdom, the middle world with earthly experiences, and the lower world with the unconscious mind and healing. The seven Nustas act as guides and protectors as one navigates these realms, helping to expand consciousness and deepen spiritual awareness.
The Healing Power of the Nusta Karpay
At the core of the Nusta Karpay is healing. These rites are not simply about personal transformation, but also about the healing of the collective. The divine feminine energies of the Nustas help to heal the wounded masculine and feminine within each individual, restoring balance between the two. This healing creates a ripple effect, raising the vibrational frequency of the individual, their relationships, their communities, and the Earth itself.
As the Nustas heal the initiate’s emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies, they also awaken the power of creation. The Nusta Karpay rites empower individuals to manifest their desires and align with their divine purpose. By clearing blockages and aligning with the energies of the Nustas, individuals become co-creators with the universe, capable of bringing peace, abundance, and healing into their lives and the lives of others.
Passing on the Nusta Karpay Rites
One of the most important aspects of the Nusta Karpay teachings is the concept of passing on the rites. The Nustas are meant to be shared, as their healing power extends beyond the individual. Those who receive the rites are encouraged to pass them along to others, creating a ripple effect of healing throughout communities and the world.
This teaching of transmission is part of the initiation process. As a practitioner of the Nusta Karpay rites, you not only receive the divine feminine energies of the Nustas, but you also become a vessel through which these energies flow to others. The act of sharing the rites enhances the practitioner’s connection to the Nustas and strengthens the healing work being done in the world.
The Nusta Karpay is a sacred tradition that connects us to the divine feminine energies of the Earth, the cosmos, and the spirit world. Through the seven divine Nustas, individuals are initiated into a path of healing, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. These rites are tools for transformation, not only for the individual but for the greater collective. By embracing the wisdom of the Nustas, we align ourselves with the rhythms of the Earth and the cosmos, allowing us to heal our wounded egos, restore balance in our lives, and become powerful agents of positive change in the world.
In the practice of the Nusta Karpay, we find the courage to embrace our full potential, heal our past wounds, and step into the future with confidence, love, and grace. These sacred rites hold the potential to transform our lives, our communities, and the world, helping to create a more peaceful, balanced, and harmonious world for all.
🌿 Who Is This Course For?
✔️ Spiritual seekers, healers, and those called to the sacred feminine path.
✔️ Energy workers and shamanic practitioners ready to deepen their healing abilities.
✔️ Teachers and guides who wish to share the Nusta Karpay rites with others.
🔥 Step into Your Power & Embody the Sacred Feminine! 🔥
Join this life-changing journey and become a part of the lineage of wisdom keepers bringing balance, healing, and transformation to the world.
💫 Are you ready to receive the Nusta Karpay initiations? Enroll now! 💫