Smudge Harmony 12cm




Smudging is the burning of herbs with the intent to bring about/manifest a desired change in one’s emotions, thoughts, surroundings and reality, i.e. to cleanse the negative energy around you. Your can smudge yourself (aura), your home and your business. It good to to do this regularly.

Unique mixture of lavender, rosemary, imphepo and cedar. It has all the properties of the herbs below with an enchanting scent.

Restores emotional balance. Cleanses and creates a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere. Lavender also attracts loving energy and angelic beings.

“South African Sage.” An exclusive traditional herb found only in South Africa used to cleanse and protect and allows you to connect to your spirit guides and angels with ease. A powerful smudge.

Brings about mental clarity and calmness by allowing you to ’let go’ of any negative thoughts. Great for mediators.

Provides grounding and joy when involved with personal transformation whether internal (new values, attitudes, beliefs) or external (new job, house, birth, death) and it allows you to ‘be’ in the present moment.

All the herbs are organically grown, free from pesticides and herbicides and are hand picked.