Reiki is a sacred practice that demands our utmost respect and reverence if we wish to fully appreciate its incredible value. The benefits of Reiki extend beyond healing ourselves and others, which is already deeply meaningful. It also provides guidance for our life journey, with limitless potential for growth, self-realization, and awakening our boundless capabilities. The path of Reiki leads to increasing joy, peace, and abundance, not only for individuals but also for the planet, which greatly needs healing. Those who have undergone Reiki initiation often sense this greater potential and aspire to progress to the Advanced and Master levels.
The desire for growth is intrinsic to life itself. By observing living organisms, we can readily see that growth is a fundamental characteristic shared by all. Everything that lives thrives on growth – it could even be said that the purpose of life is to grow. Therefore, the yearning to expand our Reiki potential is a natural expression of our core essence and life’s essence. If you feel this desire in your heart, honor and respect it, as doing so will fulfill an innate need.
The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are abundant, and teaching is not the only way to benefit from Master training. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques, and knowledge will enhance your healing abilities. Self-treatment, providing healing attunements to yourself and others, and offering distant healing sessions will noticeably improve. The ability to pass Reiki on to loved ones is also a definite advantage. Many individuals pursue Master training with this intention alone. However, if you ever decide to formally teach, you will have the capacity to do so. As each person undergoes Reiki Master training and raises their personal vibration, it contributes to the overall vibrational upliftment of the entire planet.
One of the greatest joys of being a Reiki Master is sharing the teachings with others. Imagine the thrill of witnessing members of your Reiki class receiving the powerful Reiki energy during the attunement process. As you guide them in using Reiki, you will share in their joy and amazement as they experience its gentle yet profound flow for the first time. As your students utilize Reiki to assist their families, friends, and clients, a beautiful sense of spiritual connection will develop among all of you. Feelings of compassion and love for everyone will strengthen as you merge with the Reiki Consciousness, deepening your understanding that we all originate from God and are interconnected.
All information about Reiki has been passed down to us through Mrs. Takata, who learned the system of Reiki in Japan in 1935. According to Mrs. Takata, a Reiki Master is someone who has received the Master attunement and Master symbol, comprehends how to administer all the attunements, and has actually taught a Reiki class, thereby passing on Reiki to others. Individuals who have completed Reiki Master training but have not taught at least one person should refer to themselves as Reiki Master Practitioners until they do teach. If you have taught a friend or family member, you qualify as a Reiki Master.
After Mrs. Takata’s passing in December 1980, the twenty-two Masters she had initiated continued to teach and subsequently began initiating other Masters. Initially, they followed Mrs. Takata’s approach, teaching the complete system in three degrees. However, some Masters began making modifications to the system, incorporating additional knowledge and healing skills gained through experience and inner guidance. Some divided the original third degree, which encompassed the complete Master training, into two or more parts. In fact, a few went as far as dividing the Master degree into as many as five parts, designating each part as a new degree.
When searching for a Reiki Master to receive Master training from, it is crucial to inquire about what you will be capable of after completing the training with them. Will you receive comprehensive training and the ability to initiate others into all the degrees, including full Reiki Master? Or will something be omitted, requiring you to pursue additional sub-levels or degrees and pay additional fees? Given the changes made by some practitioners to the Reiki system, this question holds significant importance.
Becoming a Reiki Master is a serious step that necessitates adequate preparation. First, one must complete Reiki I, Reiki II, and Advanced Reiki training. It is also important to reflect on your life purpose and determine if Reiki Mastership aligns with it. Then, it is crucial to find a competent Reiki Master to study with, someone whom you resonate with and who will offer support even after you become a Reiki Master.
Being a Reiki Master implies the ability to initiate others into Reiki, so it is vital to find a teacher who will spend sufficient time in class assisting you in practicing the attunement process. Inquire about the amount of time dedicated to practicing attunements during classes, as some teachers allocate little or no time for this.
Additionally, ask about the level of support your teacher is willing to provide to help you start teaching your own classes. This aspect holds significance. Some Reiki Masters may be uninterested in assisting you in establishing your teaching practice due to concerns that you might attract their students. If you are genuinely committed to becoming a successful teaching Reiki Master, find a teacher who openly supports your goal.
Before teaching your first class, it is beneficial to gain additional practice in performing attunements. You can practice on friends who already have Reiki. Ask if they would be willing to be an “attunement model” and inform them that the additional attunements will be beneficial, refining and strengthening their Reiki energies. Most individuals will likely agree. If you can’t find someone to practice on, you can use a teddy bear or pillow as a symbolic representation of a person.
Furthermore, it is necessary to practice the talks, lectures, and meditations you will be conducting in your classes. Create outlines for your talks and practice delivering them while recording yourself. Listen to the recordings and take notes on ways to improve your presentations. Continue practicing until you feel confident. Don’t hesitate to refer to your outline during class. When teaching, relax and let the Reiki energy guide your work.
If you possess a sincere desire to help others and have taken the time to prepare for teaching, attracting students should not be a challenge. Your attitude plays a significant role in the results you achieve, so assume success, and you will manifest success.
As a teaching Reiki Master, it is vital to treat your students with utmost respect, recognizing that each person carries the divine spark within them. Never employ subtle threats or withhold information to create dependency on you. Encourage each student to connect with their own power and exercise freedom of choice. What you create for others will reflect back to you. As you genuinely empower others, you, too, will be empowered. Trust in the abundance of the Universe, and you will receive abundance, peace, and joy.
When teaching Reiki to others, it is important to embody and represent Reiki energy authentically. Superficial spirituality no longer deceives people. They seek and need a genuine teacher who speaks from experience and is committed to their own profound healing. This necessitates meditating on the nature of Reiki energy and surrendering to it. It is an ongoing process of working with all aspects of your being that are out of harmony with Reiki energy, allowing them to be healed by Reiki. We must strive to develop and manifest qualities such as love, compassion, wisdom, justice, cooperation, humility, persistence, kindness, courage, strength, and abundance, for Reiki energy encompasses all of these and more. It may seem paradoxical, but a true Reiki Master is someone who is continuously evolving as a Reiki Master. Like life itself, it is a journey of continual growth.
In this process, you will eventually realize that there is more to Reiki than simply using it for specific healing purposes. Reiki holds a deeper purpose. Just as Reiki can guide the flow of healing energy during a treatment, it can also guide your life.
Within you lies a perfect plan for your life that has always been present, patiently waiting for you. This plan aligns with what is truly good, right, and nurturing for you. It is not based on the desires of your parents or societal expectations for acceptance, but rather on what will genuinely bring you happiness. This plan resides within you, stemming from your core essence. Reiki can serve as your guide, leading you to discover and follow this plan. It represents your true spiritual path.
By treating yourself and others with Reiki and meditating on its essence, you will be increasingly guided by Reiki in making significant decisions. Sometimes, you may find yourself doing things that defy logical explanations or societal norms, while other times, you will be guided to engage in activities you never thought you would. However, as you place more trust in Reiki’s guidance, relinquish the ego’s attachments to what it believes will bring happiness, and humbly surrender to the loving power of Reiki, you will witness transformative changes in your life, resulting in greater harmony and genuine happiness.
Over time, through your own experiences, you will come to recognize that Reiki’s guidance is worthy of your trust. Once you have surrendered completely, you will have embarked on the Way of Reiki. At that point, you will find peace with your past, have unwavering faith in the future, and understand that there was never anything to worry about. Your life will begin to harmonize more profoundly, and you will sense that you have attained a state of wholeness, even as you continue to progress towards it.
Ultimately, we must acknowledge that a Reiki Master is not someone who has fully mastered Reiki, but rather someone who has allowed themselves to be mastered by Reiki. This entails complete surrender to the spirit of Reiki, allowing it to guide every aspect of our lives and become our sole focus and source of nurturing and sustenance. The Way of Reiki presents itself as a solution to our problems and an avenue of limitless potential. May all who would benefit from this path be guided to it.